What’s more effective when it comes to teeth whitening vs teeth bleaching? Or do these two options differ from one another? We all know your smile can serve as the reflection of your overall personality and physical attributes.
However, some people cover up their teeth or hide their smiles. Usually, it’s because they feel conscious about their teeth colour. Thankfully, there are ways to make the teeth whiter. Mostly, the two primary choices are between teeth whitening and teeth bleaching.
These two methods sound so alike that most people have an issue choosing between both. Are you wondering which is the best between teeth bleaching and teeth whitening? We will cover all the details you need in the article!
Teeth Whitening vs Teeth Bleaching
It may seem subtle, but there is a big difference between these two. Teeth whitening describes the process of restoring the natural colour of your teeth by removing stubborn stains. Typically, whiteners are cleaning agents like those present in toothpaste. Only, they are stronger.
On the other hand, teeth bleaching is a kind of method used in whitening the teeth. Bleaching usually relies on chemicals to remove enamel and dentine. Generally, the bleaching process uses active ingredients like hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.
How to Pick Between Teeth Whitening vs Teeth Bleaching
So, how do you know which to pick between teeth whitening vs teeth bleaching? To help you make that choice, we’ll break down each method of making teeth white.
At-home Teeth Whitening Process
Of course, you can whiten your teeth with whitening products you buy over the counter. This option is also useful if you know the proper way to do it. There are a variety of teeth whitening paste or solutions you can use.
However, the issue with this method is you can’t predict the results. Additionally, there is the outside possibility the products may have components that are not good for your teeth.
Teeth Bleaching
There’s no better option than having your teeth whitened at the dentist’s office. Your dentist can provide you with the highest quality whitening method, which is the bleaching process. The teeth bleaching process uses concentrated bleaching agents administered and approved by a dentist.
A dentist profoundly understands the importance of the teeth whitening process. Also, a professional knows what the safest and appropriate ways to whiten your teeth are.
However, take note that the cost of professional teeth bleaching is higher than at-home whitening systems. But when it comes to the result, it lasts longer than at-home teeth whitening processes.
Advantages of Teeth Whitening Procedure
Knowing the difference between teeth whitening vs. teeth bleaching is one thing. However, you must also understand the benefits.
Below are some of the advantages of teeth whitening treatment.
Stronger, better, whiter teeth
A professional whitening session at your dentist’s clinic provides stronger, better and whiter teeth. It also offers better results as your dentist knows what whitening procedure, whitening agents and practices are right for you.
Reliable and quick treatment
Professional teeth whitening procedure can give you whiter teeth in around an hour or so. You don’t have to use whitening agents for a long time to achieve good results.
Besides, the results are reliable, and your dentist will also suggest home maintenance tips. This is unlike over-the-counter whitening products. These have a reputation for not whitening your teeth despite how often you use them.
Customized Treatments
With over-the-counter whitening products, it’s a one-size-fits-all approach. You cannot customize the product to fit your teeth whitening preference.
Whereas, with professional whitening methods, your dentist can customize it for you. They can give you a precise amount of whiteness your teeth needs.
Safer, More Comfortable Whitening Treatment
Professional bleaching treatment is much more reliable and more comfortable than over-the-counter whitening products.
The main reason is you have an experienced dentist performing the procedure. Also, they’ll monitor the progress throughout the process. Finally, you get after-care and hygiene tips for your teeth.
Final Thoughts
There are different whitening application methods available. Between teeth whitening vs teeth bleaching, it’s up to you and your teeth’s specific needs to decide what’s best for you.
However, it is always best to get teeth whitening in the dental office. It results in whiter teeth over a quicker amount of time compared to over-the-counter teeth whitening agents.
For effective teeth whitening in Toronto, visit Osmin Denture. We provide reliable, quick, and cost-effective teeth whitening procedures. Contact us today!