Teeth restoration services are very important for any dental clinic. Patients with various dental problems will find it convenient to have such services in dental clinics near them. Missing teeth is an issue for any individual. These may be caused by accidents or severe cavity issues that may affect people of older age. One of the services dentists give these people is the installation of a denture.
Dentures come in different kinds based on the need and preference of the patient. Snap-on dentures are known to be one of the sought-after options these days. This article will discuss the snap-on dentures and the cost it takes to have one installed.
Important Things To Know About The Kinds Of Dentures
Dentures are known to be made from various kinds of dental material. Depending on certain factors like allergies, dentures can be made from metal, acrylic, porcelain, resin or nylon. The point of using dentures is to have artificial teeth and tissues cover the areas of the mouth that have missing teeth and their surrounding tissues. You may refer to the following for more information about this kind of teeth restoration:
- Dentures are used by creating artificial teeth and tissues that must fit with the areas in the mouth that have missing teeth and their surrounding tissues.
- For a specific type of denture to be chosen, the dentist will have to factor in the current dental state of the patient. The 2 types include complete dentures and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of the patients’ teeth are missing. The other type, partial dentures, is used when the patients still have some of their natural teeth available.
- After the type of denture has been identified, the doctor will evaluate further to determine the kinds of dentures that may be used. The patients may give their preference to their dentists on the kind of denture they prefer. The following kinds of dentures include:
Traditional dentures
These dentures are the easiest to fabricate. They are removable dentures that patients will just place on top of their gums. One of the issues patients may have with traditional dentures is that they tend to slide when the patients are chewing their food. It may take some time for a patient to control the denture from moving around while eating.
Screw-retained dentures
This type of denture is one of the implant-supported dentures. Screws are used as implants that will securely hold the denture. A surgical operation will be done by the dentist to cut open the gums of the patient so that the jawbone will be exposed. Multiple holes will be drilled into the jawbone. Screws will be placed into the holes. The denture will then be connected to the screw. This will make sure that the denture will act as the patient’s permanent teeth. This makes the denture more stable when the patient is eating or talking. This can be considered a permanent denture since the patient will not be able to remove it. For maintenance, the patient must go back to the dentist clinic so that the dentist may clean the denture. Dentists have the capability to remove screw-retained dentures. People should also remember that dentists must be able to determine if the structure of the jawbone will be able to secure the implants that will be installed. If there are issues found with the jawbone, there may be a need for a bone grafting procedure to be done before the implants will be installed.
Snap-on dentures
This is also a kind of denture wherein implants will be used to secure the denture. However, screws will not be used as implants. Snap-on implants will be used instead. This will ensure that the dentures can be removed by the patients. This makes it easier for the patient to clean the denture on a regular basis. Compared to a screw-retained denture, the dentist may decide to put in a lesser number of implants as long as there will be no stability issues. Since the patient will undergo surgery for the implants to be installed, the patients are given 6 months to heal before. After the healing period elapses, the patient will visit the dental clinic to get the finished snap-on denture. Temporary dentures are given during the first visit to the dental clinic. During the healing period, the dentist may need the customer to get accustomed to using the temporary dentures while the dentist fabricates the permanent dentures.
How Much Do Snap-on Dentures Cost
Dentures are known to be the cheaper alternative to dental bridges. The patient will need to wait for the results of the full evaluation made by the dentist. Depending on the materials used to fabricate the snap-on dentures, the cost of the patient’s jawbone for getting snap-on dentures would differ. Different dental clinics may also have considerable price differences since the costing would be subjective to each of the dentists’ evaluations. However, to give you a better idea of the average cost for snap-on dentures within the province of Ontario, you may refer to the following:
- Snap-on denture: CAD 2,000 – CAD 6,000
- Installation of dental implants will depend on the number of implants: CAD 1,000 – CAD 15,000
If there are issues with the patient’s jawbone, a bone grafting procedure must be done for the jawbone to hold the dental implants that will be installed. Depending on the severity, the cost may also increase. Below are the average costs for bone grafting of the jawbone:
- Basic bone grafting (only a small amount of external bone is needed): CAD 200 – CAD 1,000
- Complex bone grafting (oral surgeon will reshape the patient’s jawbone structure): CAD 1,800 – CAD 3,000.
Snap-on Dentures Are Easier To Maintain
Compared to other forms of dentures, a snap-on denture is considered as one of the most cost-efficient ways to replace missing teeth and tissue. Snap-on dentures are very stable since they are known to securely lock on the dental implants. Patients will not have to worry about chewing normally. Also, being able to regularly clean your dentures is one of the reasons why snap-on dentures are gaining popularity. Accumulation and infection from bacteria can easily happen within a patient’s mouth, which is why it is necessary to keep your dentures clean. If you have any concerns regarding snap-on dentures, you may contact Osmin Denture Clinic & Premier Dental Health & Facial Esthetic Center Inc. at 647-294-3310.