Regular dental visits are essential to maintaining excellent oral health, which is why 85% of adults say they prefer seeing the dentist twice a year for cleanings. Additionally, 75% of individuals say they intend to visit their dentist in the upcoming year.
Flashing your white and clean dentition can be a confidence booster. That’s why no matter how long a teeth cleaning procedure takes, you know it’s worth it. However, if you’ve never done a teeth cleaning process, you may be thinking about how long it takes.
Don’t you worry; this is where we come into place. In this article, you’ll learn about how long dental cleaning takes. Also, you’ll know just how much time you need to set aside for a dental cleaning appointment.
Furthermore, you’ll understand the importance of undergoing a teeth cleaning procedure. You’ll also learn how often to partake in teeth cleaning.
What is the Teeth Cleaning Procedure Like?
Before we get into how long a teeth cleaning procedure takes, let’s find out what it’s all about. Teeth cleaning or dental cleaning is the process of visiting a dentist to get them to check your mouth and clean out any bacterial build-up in your teeth.
A dentist can render two types of services which are preventive and diagnostic. The preventive service deals primarily with treatments that involve a pre-emptive strike against certain dental diseases like plaque or tartar.
The preventive measures can also include fluoride treatments for hardening teeth, stain removers for brightening teeth, and cleaning dentures to eliminate hidden bacterial build-up. In addition, the average teeth cleaning procedure will tackle preliminary dental diseases.
On the other hand, the diagnostic measures deal with treating dental issues like tooth decay or gum tissue erosion. Further diagnostic treatments include x-rays and oral cancer screenings.
Furthermore, the dentist may carry out a check-up of your chewing, swallowing and biting processes. The dentist may also review your medical history to diagnose potential dental problems.
Additionally, depending on how long the dental cleaning takes, the dentist can counsel you on your diet and nutrition and recommend good toothbrushes and kinds of toothpaste to improve your dental health.
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Why Do You Need a Teeth Cleaning Procedure?
Every day as you consume different food substances, you are potentially welcoming millions of bacteria into your mouth. Unfortunately, these bacteria can build up a sticky substance known as plaque. Consequently, plaque is extremely dangerous as it attacks the hard enamel of your tooth.
Over time, if you don’t attend to the plaque build-up, the cavity in the enamel can expand and reach the gum and soft tissues, leading to further gum infections.
Hence, no matter how long a tooth cleaning procedure takes, checking in with a dentist regularly is essential. In addition, you can mitigate the chances of plaque build-up by brushing at least twice a day and flossing once a day. Nevertheless, there’ll always be hard-to-reach areas where food particles can lodge in your teeth.
How Long Does a Teeth Cleaning Procedure Take?
Typically, the teeth cleaning procedure takes between 30 minutes to an hour. Exactly how long your teeth cleaning treatment will take depends on the amount of plaque present. Therefore, the process can take between 60 to 90 minutes if there’s considerable tooth decay or damage.
Ultimately, you don’t need to rush your appointment with your dentist. However, knowing how long a tooth cleaning procedure will take makes it easier for you to schedule an appointment. Therefore, make sure to visit your dentist at an appropriate and comfortable time.
Furthermore, if you feel any form of pain during the teeth cleaning process, we suggest you let the dentist know. Usually, the average teeth cleaning procedure is relatively painless. So, remember that your comfort is of utmost importance when visiting the dentist.
The Process of a Teeth Cleaning Procedure
You may now be familiar with the duration of teeth cleaning at your dentist. However, are you aware of the steps involved in the teeth cleaning process? In this section, we’ll explain what to expect when you go for teeth cleaning.
Before you even worry about how long the teeth cleaning procedure takes, the dentist will perform an oral exam. The oral exam will give the dentist ideas of the degree of teeth cleaning you require.
The first step is the application of paper towels to cover the top of your shirt. Next, the dentist reclines you in their chair to begin the process. However, kindly let the dentist know beforehand if you feel discomfort in this preliminary stage.
The first step in teeth cleaning is scaling. Scaling involves removing plaque and dirt from the gum line and between the corners of the teeth. The process involves using a thin metal scaler or an automatic ultrasonic scaler. The ultrasonic scaler uses air pressure and vibrations to eradicate the built-up plaque, which the dentist rinses away with water.
However, you may experience some discomfort at this stage if you have sensitive teeth. Hence, the tooth cleaning does take long as the dentist must be extra careful with your teeth. Nevertheless, the dentist can take breaks to make your teeth slowly acclimatize to the experience.
The next step in the teeth cleaning process is polishing. Polishing involves the application of a special paste to each tooth with an automatic device. The handheld device features a rotating head that glazes the teeth with the polishing paste. This process makes the teeth shiny.
Flossing is the final step in teeth cleaning, and we’re not talking about the dance move. First, the dentist flosses your teeth thoroughly to eliminate any debris left over from the scaling process. Eventually, once you complete this timeline for the teeth cleaning process, you’re ready to show the world your wide and toothy smile again.
A tooth cleaning is vital for mouth hygiene and tooth efficacy. We advise that you visit the dentist at least six months after your last teeth cleaning procedure. The occasional visit will help you be up to date with the health of your teeth.
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Final Thoughts
Knowing how long teeth cleaning procedures take is the first step to caring for your dentition. Plaque build-up and other dental diseases can cause irrevocable damage if you don’t tackle them early.
Therefore, book a dental cleaning appointment at our first-class clinic in Ontario. Here at Osmin Denture, we offer top-notch, quality dental services to cater to your toothy needs. Call us today to book a dental treatment appointment.