Should I get denture relines? If your dentures aren’t fitting right anymore, it might be the time for a denture reline. Although it is a continuous oral treatment, denture relines treatment cost is less expensive than most patients expect.
Dentures are temporary or false teeth that help many people who struggle to eat, speak, and drink. While it is true that dentures are comfortable, it may still need some adjustments as soft tissues in gums still grow. As time goes by, a denture that once fit perfectly may lose that snug and comfortable feel.
There are several solutions to making adjustments. Getting new dentures is one option, but that can get quite expensive so denture relines is a better choice.
What is Denture Relines?
A denture reline is an oral procedure that reshapes and relines your dentures by filling it with a new cast material to adjust your teeth and gums.
Most of the time, dentures become uncomfortable to wear due to teeth reposition. Thankfully, your dentists can see this when you go for regular checkups. If this is the case, your dentist may suggest you get denture relines.
Three Types of Denture Relines
If your dentures need relining, there are three types of denture relines treatment in Ontario that your dentist can recommend for you.
Soft Denture Reline
If you have sensitive gums or have only had new dentures for three to six months, your dentist may recommend giving your dentures a soft reline. This type of reline is made from a pliable, soft material like a rubbery material.
Besides, the cost of soft denture relines treatment is more affordable than that of hard denture relines. However, this denture relining needs more adjustments than a hard reline. The average cost of soft denture relines is $400, but it may range from $200 to $500.
Hard Denture Reline
A hard denture reline entails a bit more labour and time compared to soft and temporary reline. Also, hard denture relines treatment cost is a bit more expensive, but it is generally more durable since it is made from acrylic. Moreover, if you have full dentures, then a hard reline is the best option for you.
Temporary Denture Reline
On the other hand, your dentist may recommend getting a temporary denture reline instead of soft and hard relines. This is highly recommended if you experience very sore and red gums. A temporary reline is usually soft, so it can help your gums heal. Once healed, your dentist will cast either a new denture or a new hard reline.
How Much is the Cost of Denture Relines Treatment?
So how much is the cost of denture reline treatment? Well, the price will depend on a few factors, like your dentist’s proposal, the type of denture reline process and dental prosthesis.
Aside from that, denture relines prices vary depending on the type. The denture relines prices for full dentures, and partial dentures differ in price.
However, the average denture relines cost is $280, but it may change from time to time. If you need to undergo a laboratory procedure, the price may go up to $400 for partial dentures and $900 for full dentures.
Why Do You Need to Have Denture Relines?
Dentures that have been worn for a long time without being relined will slide around in your mouth. It can cause irritation, sores, pain, and total discomfort when it doesn’t fit anymore. If left unattended, it can lead to infection. Besides, an ill-fitting denture may not also function well.
So should I get denture relines? Yes, because a dental reline allows you to regain your old dentures’ optimal function without the expensive option of replacing it entirely. Although the cost of denture relines treatment is a bit pricey, you should not skip this procedure.
When Do You Need Denture Relining?
Aside from considering denture relines prices, it is also crucial to know when to get denture relining. Common first signs are feelings of discomfort when using your dentures. If you observe that your dentures are already sliding, you have to visit your dentist as much as possible.
Noticing that your dentures are not fitting and functioning the way they should, is a sign to get them relined. You may schedule regular appointments with your dentist to reline your dentures before negative symptoms affect your day-to-day life.
Final Thoughts
If your dentures begin to fit less comfortably than usual, you may consider having them relined. There are many Denture relines treatment in Ontario that can help you reshape your denture instead of replacing it.
Besides, the cost of denture relines treatment is less expensive than getting a new set of dentures. Usually, the average price usually falls under $300-500. However, the repair and relining cost still varies.
If you want to get an estimated cost for denture relines, you may visit Osmin Denture. Better still, call us at 647-294-3310.